Fascial Counterstrain
Fascia is found everywhere in the human body. This vital connective tissue covers all nerves, arteries, veins, and internal organs. When the body experiences a painful condition, the fascia is triggered by inflammation of the fascia.
Facial counterstrain addresses the root cause of a condition to provide symptom relief. This effective technique enables the body to begin the healing process. Fascial dysfunction, inflammation, and spasms can all be prevented by involving simple exercises and therapeutic methods. Have you recently been diagnosed with a painful condition? If so, our clinic can provide the relief you’ve been searching for. Call us at Synergy Physical Therapy to make an appointment today.

What is Fascial Counterstrain?
Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) is a manual, hands-on method that physical therapists use to release spasms in all human body tissues. When you experience an injury, your body’s organs, nerves, arteries, and muscles can actively spasm and produce pain in a protective response. This reflex spasm can spread and develop hundreds of sensitive spots after it has started. FCS releases the tissue spasms and the tender points by gently unloading the injured structure.
How Does Fascial Counterstrain Work?
Fascial counterstrain is a therapeutic release produced by gently compressing the stressed structure. This innovative technique utilizes tender spots in the body to target reflexive muscle guarding. FCS is useful for various conditions, such as postural strain, chronic edema, neuropathies, migraines, and more.
How Physical Therapy at Synergy Physical Therapy Can Help
At Synergy Physical Therapy, our team of highly trained physical therapists understand the taxing impact that pain has on your life. Fortunately, we can address and resolve your pain so you can achieve the quality of life that you deserve! Whether you’ve been dealing with chronic pain for months or have just suffered an injury, we can provide the help and support that you need to heal.
Learn more about fascial counterstrain and if it’s right for you by booking an appointment today!